This webinar is hosted by the AOD Knowledge Centre and is presented by Mr Allan Trifonoff, Deputy Director of Programs from the National Centre of Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA) at Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia.
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This webinar focuses on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander worker wellbeing and resources and strategies for dealing with stressful work-related issues e.g. responding to people using methamphetamine.
It covers:
- NCETA’s extremely popular Feeling deadly, working deadly resource kit which provides workers, supervisors and managers with strategies to reduce the risk of stress and burnout and enhance worker wellbeing.
- Practical examples are be given of what organisations and individual workers can do to support each other.
- information about the new NCETA resource: Methamphetamine use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: intervention options for workers.
- The resource provides information about why people use methamphetamine, examples of some of the associated health, social and emotional wellbeing issues, and the range of intervention of options that workers can use to support people who are using methamphetamine.
- details about how you can access these and other related NCETA resources.
- About NCETA 3:27
- Setting the context 4:12
- Webinar overview 5:41
- The Feeling Deadly Working Deadly kit 7:32
- Challenging conditions workers have to deal with 11:05
- Clients with complex needs 13:28
- AOD use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 14:01
- Ways organisations can support workers 16:01
- Wellbeing strategies for workers 21:12
- New methamphetamine workforce development resource 22:46
- Why people use methamphetamine 23:51
- Methamphetamine use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 24:45
- Problems associated with using methamphetamine 30:10
- Providing practical supports 31:56 Taking a ‘yarning’ approach 33:15
- Intervention options 34:43
- Providing treatment for methamphetamine 39:29
- Ice: Training for Frontline Workers 40:54
- Summary 44:11
- Contact NCETA 44:48
- Questions 45:04