Strong Boorais, Bright Futures – Keeping healthy during pregnancy

The Australian Drug Foundation, in collaboration with The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Incorporated (VACCHO) have collaborated to create a fantastic DVD on smoking and alcohol and drug use while pregnant and breastfeeding. Entitled Strong Boorais, Bright Futures, the resource for mothers, fathers and families in all about keeping healthy during pregnancy and provides advice for reducing and stopping the use of alcohol and other drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Boorai is an Aboriginal word used in Victoria and means baby. “The Boorai nestled in the centre’ of the mother’s womb is shielded and protected. Mum is giving her Boorai a healthy start to life as she is nourishing her unborn Boorai through her placenta. Healthy mums equals healthy Boorais.” – Shakars Montalton, Gunditjmara – This is 5 minute snapshot of a longer video available on DVD containing advice for reducing and stopping the use of alcohol, smoking and other drugs. For more information visit or The Australian Drug Foundation can supply copies of the DVD in Victoria upon request, call 1300 85 85 84 or email The full 18 minute version is available to watch online: Produced by Orbit Creative.

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