Essential information about drugs and alcohol

Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF)

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  5. Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF)
Looking for help for your own alcohol and other drug use? Our trained DrugInfo advisors can: provide information on the effects of alcohol and other drugs talk you through options for alcohol and other drug treatment and support services and provide referrals give you referrals for other support options, such as mental health services. Concerned about a friend or family member’s alcohol and other drug use? Our trained DrugInfo advisors can give you: advice on talking to family, friends and young people about alcohol and other drugs information on available options for alcohol and other drug treatment and support services in your area information on the effects of drugs. Are you a health or welfare professional or student looking for information about alcohol and other drugs? Our DrugInfo advisors can provide: resources and information to support health and welfare professionals and community workers to reduce harm from alcohol and other drug use free resources for events help with school and university projects.  

Looking for help for your own alcohol and other drug use?

Our trained DrugInfo advisors can:

  • provide information on the effects of alcohol and other drugs
  • talk you through options for alcohol and other drug treatment and support services and provide referrals
  • give you referrals for other support options, such as mental health services.

Concerned about a friend or family member’s alcohol and other drug use?

Our trained DrugInfo advisors can give you:

Are you a health or welfare professional or student looking for information about alcohol and other drugs?

Our DrugInfo advisors can provide:

  • resources and information to support health and welfare professionals and community workers to reduce harm from alcohol and other drug use
  • free resources for events
  • help with school and university projects.


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