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E-cigarettes (vaping)

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  5. E-cigarettes (vaping)
E-cigarettes heat liquids to produce a vapour that looks like smoke, which users inhale. Using an e-cigarette is often called ‘vaping’. The liquids can contain chemicals and flavourings, like chocolate, bubble-gum and fruity flavours. E-cigarettes might be shaped like cigarettes, cigars, pens or other common items.

Key facts

  • The long-term safety and health effects associated with E-cigarettes and exposure to second-hand vapour are still unknown.
  • If e-cigarettes (electronic cigarettes) contain nicotine, there may be a high risk of dependence and tolerance, as with tobacco cigarettes.
  • E-cigarettes are often marketed as a way to quit smoking but there isn’t enough evidence to support this. In Australia, it is illegal to sell or buy nicotine for use in e-cigarettes.
  • You cannot purchase nicotine vaping products without a prescription.
  • E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices that look and feel like cigarettes, cigars, pens or other common items, but they do not burn tobacco.
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